Who is Jesus?
The understanding of Jesus Christ is hugely important. Most importantly because it relates to our decision that we have made to be in relationship with Christ.
Jesus Christ is both fully God and fully man and the only one who can mend the broken relationship between humanity and God. After living a perfect life, He died on a cross in our place and rose again victoriously to give us life.

Jesus said: “I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.”
- John 10:10 -
We believe
Here at London Riverside Church we believe that Jesus was and is both fully God and fully man. He is the most incredible man who ever lived and the centrepiece of our civilisation. After living a perfect life Jesus died on a cross, not to pay the penalty for his own wrong doings but to take our place.
Our church is full of people from all walks of life and all ages who have experienced the forgiveness and freedom that Jesus offers.

“This is how much God loved the world: He gave His Son, His one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in Him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life.”
- John 3:16 -
I want to follow Jesus
God wants to connect with us! He came into the world so that we could connect with Him!
In the beginning there was amazing communication between God and human beings. God made the world perfect and He made men and women to live in it and enjoy a relationship with Him. Humans chose to ignore God’s instructions and put themselves rather than Him first. The Bible uses a word called ‘sin’ for this. Sin has got in the way of our relationship with God and the connection and relationship has been broken. No amount of good deeds will be able to help.
The good news is that God Himself has acted to sort out the problem and restore relationship. God humbled Himself and became a human being and was born into this world. He came as Jesus, both fully God and fully human – a perfect mediator. As an adult Jesus claimed to be God’s long-promised deliverer. Eventually charges were brought against Jesus and He was executed by being nailed to a cross and left to die in a shameful way. On the third day after the crucifixion, Jesus’ tomb was empty, and He began appearing to His followers. He had been resurrected! This is what Christians celebrate at Easter time! In Jesus, God Himself took on all of human sin and suffered death so that you and I might be forgiven, escape eternal death and have life forever with God.
God has done everything for us through what the Bible calls grace. The only thing we must do is respond to His grace that is offered to us. You may feel you have made too many mistakes in life or let yourself down badly but be encouraged! No amount of sin is too great for God to forgive! You can ask God to help you face tomorrow and with His power He will help you! This is the beginning of a new relationship.
If you do want to make a connection with God, this is what you need to do:
Either silently or aloud, admit that you are disconnected from God and have allowed the barrier of sin to separate you from Him. Talk to God and let Him know areas you’ve messed up in. Tell God how sorry you are for the mistakes you have made.
Through Jesus, God has dealt permanently and completely with your sin. You can be totally forgiven for everything you have ever done or will ever do wrong. Thank God for what Jesus has done for you and tell Him that you accept His forgiveness and that you commit your life to Him for Him to remake it and restore it.
Thirdly, choose to give the whole of your life to the God of love. You are beginning a new relationship with Him and with others in God’s new community. Ask him to help you live out this relationship day by day.
If you have made the decision to make the connection, you can pray these words or something similar:
Thank you, God, for loving me before I ever loved you. Thank you, Jesus, for dying on the cross, for me. Thank you that I can get connected to you now because you are alive today. I admit that I have lived my life without you and have messed up. I ask for your total forgiveness and I commit myself to you. Help me to submit my life to your teaching and direction from now on. I receive you into my life and ask you to fill me with your Holy Spirit.
Let us know today that you have chosen to follow Jesus, we would love to help you on your journey with Him.

Jesus said: “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”
- John 8:32 -